Membership FAQ


1. If I am a paid member of an affiliate Chapter, am I also a member of AIWF National?

Yes, if you are a paid Chapter member you are automatically enrolled as a member of AIWF National.  AIWF National membership is Free.


2. Can a member of AIWF National attend a Chapter event as a Chapter member?

No, only paid Chapter members can attend Chapter events at Chapter member pricing.  If you are a member of AIWF National but not that Chapter, and wish to attend a Chapter event, you may do so at guest (not member) pricing.


3. Can a paid member of one affiliate Chapter attend another affiliate Chapter’s events as a member?

Yes, there is reciprocity among affiliate Chapters for paid members.


4. Can I be a member of AIWF National only and not a member of any affiliated Chapter?

Yes.  AIWF National members have access to all AIWF National events, programs and offers.